A mural in a village depicts a famous Chinese waterfall. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Reserves of coal at a large coking plant. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Coal depot. Linfen. Shanxi, China.
Crops by a dirt track going past a coal power plant. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Tar refinery plant. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Coking plant. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Workers unloading coal. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
An electrified fence surrounds the perimeter of a small coking plant in a village. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
Slag heap. Industrial waste by a river from a nearby plant. Linfen, Shanxi, China.
A disused community hall at a village nicknamed 'Cancer Village'. Linfen, Shanxi, China.